“Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it.”
Getting back in here after ages. There are suddenly so many thoughts crossing my mind.One way to look at it is those many things happened in my life over last few months..all good fortunately.But there comes a time when you also have to let go good things for a bigger calling. At times you wish things just remained the same..but the truth is it never will.The universe around you is changing all the time and so are you. Just because something was right for you in the past doesn't mean that it's going to hold true forever. But understanding this is a very slow and painful process as you go down the path of self discovery shaking every fundamental belief you have had. You learn more about yourself and what you want out of life. Then you decide to make some changes in your life and take some bold decisions. You are happy and excited that you could take that call, but there comes the awkward part. You have to let go a lot of things that defined you for a while. You feel like you are being stripped off your identity and try to hold on to as much possible and as long possible. But holding on is like believing there is only past. If you attempt to relive that past, then you are missing out on the fun of new things, the promise of endless possibilities that in the first place drove your decision. There is no point in denying that things are different now or being apprehensive about the challenge that lays ahead. Life moves only in one way- forward. The challenge is your chance to let go the old and make way for the new.
So taking up the challenge, learning the art of letting go.
Have been always the fan of this quote by Jon Acuff in his book "Quitter"
It’s always better to be struggling at something you love than succeeding diligently at something you despise.